From "Cardiac Pack" to NIL Attack: How NC State’s 1983 Champs are Making History Again

Ah, the good old days of college basketball: when short shorts ruled the court, and the only "influencers" were those who could actually influence a game. For the NC State Wolfpack, 1983 was the year of miracles. The names Lorenzo Charles and Jim Valvano might not ring a bell. But in 1983, the "Cardiac Pack," pulled off one of the most thrilling upsets in NCAA basketball history, culminating in a buzzer-beating dunk that left Houston stunned and Coach Jim Valvano running around the court in a moment that still gives us chills. Fast forward 40 years, and these legends are back in the headlines, but this time, they’re not sinking last-second shots—they’re scoring points in court.

The Lawsuit: The Cardiac Pack's Latest Play

Ten members of that iconic 1983 team have filed a lawsuit against the NCAA and the Collegiate Licensing Company. Their claim? The NCAA has been cashing in on their name, image, and likeness (NIL) for decades without consent—or a paycheck. The lawsuit, filed in Wake County Superior Court, seeks "reasonable compensation" for the unauthorized use of their NIL.

The players argue that the NCAA’s relentless promotion of their legendary victory—without their permission or payment—has raked in millions. And they’re right. Who hasn’t seen that clip of Lorenzo Charles dunking Whittenburg’s air ball or Valvano’s euphoric sprint during March Madness promos?

Implications for the Industry: A Game-Changer

This lawsuit is more than just a quest for overdue royalties. It’s a potential game-changer for the NIL landscape, setting a precedent for how past athletes can claim their share of the pie. Since the Supreme Court’s 2021 decision to allow student-athletes to profit from their NIL, the floodgates have opened for current players. But what about those who paved the way? This case could redefine how we think about NIL compensation for alumni, potentially opening the door for many former athletes to receive what they’re owed.

If the Cardiac Pack wins, it won't just be a victory lap for them—it'll be a full-court press for all former college athletes who’ve seen their legacy monetized without compensation. The ripple effect could change how the NCAA and other organizations handle NIL rights, ensuring that past contributions are justly rewarded and changing the financial structure of college sports forever.

How You Can Navigate Your NIL Potential

Now, let’s bring it back to you—today’s student-athletes. The NIL era is still in its early stages, and there’s a lot to learn from those who are pioneering this new frontier. Here are some actionable steps to help you maximize your potential:

  1. Know Your Worth: Just like the Cardiac Pack, your name, image, and likeness have value. Understand what you bring to the table and don’t undersell yourself.

  2. Stay Informed: The rules around NIL are constantly evolving. Keep up with the latest developments to make sure you’re not left behind.

  3. Build Your Brand: Start now. Use social media to build a personal brand that resonates with fans and potential sponsors. Authenticity is key.

  4. Seek Legal Advice: Before signing any deals, get legal advice to ensure you’re getting a fair shake. Remember, the fine print matters.

  5. Join Collectives: Many schools are forming NIL collectives to help athletes secure deals. Get involved and leverage these resources to your advantage.

  6. Network: Build relationships with alumni, boosters, and businesses. Networking can open doors to lucrative opportunities.

  7. Think Long-Term: Consider how your NIL deals can impact your future career, both on and off the field. Align with brands and causes that reflect your values and aspirations.

  8. Keep Records: Document all your NIL activities and earnings. This not only helps with taxes but also ensures transparency and accountability.

  9. Stay Balanced: While chasing NIL deals, remember that academics and athletic performance come first. Balance is crucial to sustaining your career.

  10. Be Persistent: The NIL landscape is competitive. Stay persistent, keep honing your skills, and be patient. Success won’t happen overnight.

The Cardiac Pack’s legal battle is a reminder that the game doesn’t end at the buzzer. Their fight for fair compensation highlights the importance of understanding and leveraging your NIL rights. As you navigate your athletic career, remember that you’re not just playing for today—you’re building a legacy that could continue to pay dividends long after the final whistle.

So, keep pushing, stay informed, and make the most of your NIL opportunities. After all, the next Cinderella story could be yours—both on and off the court.

For other Name, Image, and Likeness resources, check out these articles:


Game On: The Players Era Festival Is Here to Shake Up College Hoops and NIL Opportunities


The NIL Revolution: What College Athletes Need to Know